
Neurosis is the result of repressed suffering. A hyperbolic example of discipline.

José Macabra will present “Shears For Tears” at Tate Modern’s Muster Station: The School of Beginnings. It is part of Jose’s “Breeding Grounds” project.

The performance is a parody of Mastery. Seven unrestrained screamers will be orchestrated using a video chromatic score.

It will happen on February 3rd and consist of a scored, screaming orchestra. It will be participatory, but I want some people to turn up to the event and know what is expected of them.

The event will run from 18:00 to 20:00.

Are you available to scream at Tate as part of Jose Macabra’s new performance, “Shears For Tears”?

Breeding Grounds is a series of experiments dealing with Endurance, Rebirth, Catharsis and Altered States.

A collaborative performance will take part with members of the audience collaborating with the screaming orchestra.

The production of new lives through catharsis, the making and unmaking of the world, and human suffering in a post-industrial capitalistic society are the subjects on which this piece will reflect. Participation of the audience is necessary to go through this modern ritual that is not focussing on the dark for the sake of it. This piece will offer a space for reflection and hope for inner change. The audience will be encouraged to unleash repressed emotions in a safe and controlled space where a primal scream will be enough material to compose.

Whitstable Biennale is a founding associate of Tate Exchange, and Muster Station is their second Tate Exchange project, which takes place alongside Spike Island’s Creative Exchange. Muster Station will also be at Whitstable Biennale in June 2018 (dates and details will follow soon).